My friend, Alice Bachman, a creative genius

Alice and I met in 2006 when she moved to Greensboro from Spartanburg, SC to be close to her daughter and grandchildren after her husband died. She joined an art group called The Peacocks, a watercolor group...

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I've moved my studio to Artmongerz Gallery downtown. Come visit me!

It's said that if you're stuck... just stick around and things will change. Well, I have a change to announce here! A new door opened for me, early October, and I took a big leap. I was interviewed, along with my art, and soon was offered a space....

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Are we all diverse and inspired artists?

Are we all diverse and inspired artists?

When asked "what do you paint" I always say I'm a landscape painter. Yet, when I take a look back at my iPhoto file of 'My Paintings' I see lots of things, not just landscapes. So who am I as a painter? Well, it's obvious I'm more than a landscape painter. 

When I started out painting I thought I'd be a flower painter. I had enjoyed...

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