Daily paintings and online class as a discipline.

Daily paintings and online class as a discipline.

Happy New Year! It's the time of the year we "take stock" of our lives and try to figure out how to become more like who we imagine ourselves to be. So as I spend time looking at the most important areas of my life, I'm seeing I need more discipline...

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As promised 'A Pale Blue Dot' finished and on display.

As promised 'A Pale Blue Dot' finished and on display.

As promised, an image of the final painting is included here, at the bottom of this post. BUT I want to tell you something that I'm really excited about, as I've contemplated the progress and completion of this painting. Although my painting is filled with a large expanse of blue, I also included dark at the top and side to represent distant space. And in distant space, nothing shows up clearly. Instead, what does that look like? 

Here's a photograph I found back in December,

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