My Work On Exhibit at Marshall's Little Art Gallery in Greensboro

Good morning. I know that you have not heard from me in a while, so I have some exciting news. This Saturday, August 28th, there is an art opening featuring my art at Marshall’s Little Art Gallery at 2105 W Cornwallis Drive, Greensboro from 2-4pm. Along with my work there will be pottery by Susan Ridenour and Wearable Art:  Scarves by Hollis Gabriel. We would love to see you there and visit for a while. 

Checking In After a Summer Filled with Art Activities

It’s been a while since I took the time to write here, and I have things to catch you up on! What have I’ve been doing for the past nine months? So much… especially on the art front. I’ve been in two different art shows with an exciting group of artists called the 50+ Artist’s Community... meaning everyone in the group is over 50 years old.

I was also a participant in a show at

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